There's No Place Like Home

Last winter I fell in love with an island in the Indian Ocean. I returned to the west coast of Canada to sell my house, pack my bags and kiss my family and friends farewell.

Now I am living in Ubud, where East meets West and a host of people from all corners of the Earth are seeking daily to live a balance between the two.

This is one of those places where a body can stay for awhile and still get the impression you are travelling. A place that is at once enchanting, frightening, beautiful, raw, vibrant and throbbing with life. A place on the outer fringes of my comfort zone.

Silahkan, I invite you to join me.

Jul 20, 2012

Awareness 1.65: Flowing in the Current

A teaser from the writing project I'm working on:

As I was chatting with a friend today, the subject of Awareness came up. She told me a beautiful story that I would like to share.

Driving down the street, my friend stopped as a man ran out into the road. He took up both lanes of traffic in his frenzy, all the while racing around in circles looking skyward.

It took her a moment to realize that the man was chasing a runaway kite. Far above the beeping horns, speeding bikes and racing cars, he had his gaze set upon his prize.

It’s moments like this that we miss when we are focused on our own narrow plot. Lovely chance encounters with life that will easily pass by those who walk with their eyes to the pavement.

The movie consumes us. We begin in control; the creator, the designer, but quickly the plot becomes the director, shuffling us about rather unconsciously.

Awareness is the art of stepping into the current that is already flowing all around you.

I find it often serves the imagination to approach an idea through the wide open eyes of a child.

Picture a hot summer day. You and your friends have trekked to the local watering hole to swim and splash and cool down. A large inflatable inner tube rests across your shoulders. You lower it into the water. A lazy current threads past at your feet, calling to you with the silvery flicker of fish and a shimmer of pebbles beneath the surface.

You test the water. It’s warm and inviting.

You step into the tube, clutching the sides with both hands. You drink in the scent of sun-warmed rubber, fresh water and blue skies.

The current is friendly with whispered promises of adventures yet to be written.

With a smile across your lips, you wriggle yourself into the centre of the tube, take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Your feet lift off and the water pulls you smoothly into its flow.

This is what it is to be Aware: a gentle surrender into the flowing eddies of life.

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